10 research outputs found

    First discovery augmented reality for learning solar systems

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    The development of Augmented Reality (AR) systems in educational settings should be given more attention and recognition on its contribution to the evolution of education. Although this shift of pedagogical method may disrupt the traditional curriculum model, it also offers great opportunity to complement and improve the modern age education model. This paper presents an AR-based mobile application for exploring Space and Science for primary school students called the First Discovery (FD). This application supplements a traditional book that contains 10 target images for solar system and its planets, which can be scanned by the AR camera in FD application. Evaluation was carried out among primary school children, elementary educators as well as parents, which showed a highly favorable response. It is hoped that the proposed FD application is able to improve the ability of children in retaining knowledge after the AR science learning experience, to enhance information accessibility of the science learning content for children as well as to develop creative learning and the ability of children in exploring and problem solvin

    Classification of Spatio-Temporal fMRI Data in the Spiking Neural Network

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    Deep learning machine that employs Spiking Neural Network (SNN) is currently one of the main techniques in computational intelligence to discover knowledge from various fields.  It has been applied in many application areas include health, engineering, finances, environment, and others.  This paper addresses a classification problem based on a functional Magnetic Resonance Image (fMRI) brain data experiment involving a subject who reads a sentence or looks at a picture.   In the experiment, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is used to select the most relevant features (voxels) before they were propagated in an SNN-based learning architecture.  The spatiotemporal relationships between Spatio Temporal Brain Data (STBD) are learned and classified accordingly. All the brain regions are taken from data with label star plus-04847-v7.mat. The overall results of this experiment show that the SNR method helps to get the most relevant features from the data to produced higher accuracy for Reading a Sentence instead of Looking a Picture.


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    e-Learning bukan merupakan sesuatu hal yang baru. Banyak Universitas di seluruh dunia sudah menerapkan e-Learning sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu. Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas X merasa bahwa materi kursus Manajemen Proyek banyak. Adapun hasil feedback menunjukkan adanya kebutuhan terhadap e-Learning untuk mendukung para mahasiswa untuk belajar materi yang banyak. Banyak studi mediskusikan mengenaiperancangane-Learning, namun masih sedikit sekali yang membahas mengenai bagamana cara mendesain konten e-Learning. Metode yang digunakan pada studi ini adalah Design sprint yaitu sebuah framework dari metode agile. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk merancang konten e-Learning dalam mata kuliah Manajemen Proyek terutama dalam bab Project introduction dengan metode Design sprint. Penulis menggunakan metode Design sprint untuk mengembangkan konten. Tak hanya itu, penulis juga ingin menilai mahasiswa dengan soal kuis yang sesuai. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan terkait soal kuis disesuaikan dengan hasil pencapaian (Learning outcome) berdasarkan Backward design dan Bloom’s Taxonomy. Video pembelajaran pada bab ini diujikan and hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kenaikan nilai sebanyak 61% dari pemahaman siswa. Hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa e-Learning dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk belajar and meningkatkan pemahaman mereka


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    Tingkat kegagalan proyek implementasi ERP masih tinggi. Bagaimanapun ERP memungkinkan organisasi mencapai keunggulan kompetitif organisasi. Untuk alasan ini, perencanaan implementasi ERP harus dilaksanakan dengan tepat dan menyeluruh untuk pra-implementasi, implementasi, dan pasca-implementasi. Penelitian ini menyajikan sebuah studi kasus terhadap sebuah UKM di Indonesia yang berencana mengadopsisistem ERP. Penelitian dilakukan pada inisial proyek (pra-implementasi ERP), bertujuan untuk memilih paket ERP yang sesuai untuk perusahaan. Seleksi paket ERP dibatasi pada open source system yang sesuai bagi organisasi dengan metode pengambilan keputusan menggunakan AHP. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan produk OpenERP untuk diimplementasikan di perusahaan

    Satisfaction Measurement in the Blended Learning System of the University: The Literacy Mediated-Discourses (LM-D) Framework

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    Effective incorporation of new technologies into the education system has become a basic need in today’s globalized world, especially in adapting life to the new normal, which is seen by an increase in online learning. Thus, a blended learning system (BLS) becomes the alternative solution to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the online learning system by adding certain characteristics from the traditional approach to the online learning system. Therefore, the educational institution still has reluctance to adopt this kind of system as a means to deliver knowledge to the student due to several reasons, such as remote effects, learning progress assessment, alignment of the course roadmap to learning strategy, self-paced environment support, retaining lecturer authenticity, quantifying informal learning, and engagement of the student community. Thus, this study wants to investigate factors that influence the satisfaction of students in terms of using mediated communication consisting of the modules, the channels, and the lecturers as the component to evaluate the understanding of literacy within offline and online classes. In fact, satisfaction is a threshold target for the BLS contribution in bringing the discourses aligned with the demands as well as delivering necessary value for the related users. Interestingly, the results showed Computer Self-Efficacy and Expectation of Quality have valid and reliable value as well significancy within the proposed model

    Satisfaction Measurement in the Blended Learning System of the University: The Literacy Mediated-Discourses (LM-D) Framework

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    Effective incorporation of new technologies into the education system has become a basic need in today’s globalized world, especially in adapting life to the new normal, which is seen by an increase in online learning. Thus, a blended learning system (BLS) becomes the alternative solution to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the online learning system by adding certain characteristics from the traditional approach to the online learning system. Therefore, the educational institution still has reluctance to adopt this kind of system as a means to deliver knowledge to the student due to several reasons, such as remote effects, learning progress assessment, alignment of the course roadmap to learning strategy, self-paced environment support, retaining lecturer authenticity, quantifying informal learning, and engagement of the student community. Thus, this study wants to investigate factors that influence the satisfaction of students in terms of using mediated communication consisting of the modules, the channels, and the lecturers as the component to evaluate the understanding of literacy within offline and online classes. In fact, satisfaction is a threshold target for the BLS contribution in bringing the discourses aligned with the demands as well as delivering necessary value for the related users. Interestingly, the results showed Computer Self-Efficacy and Expectation of Quality have valid and reliable value as well significancy within the proposed model

    First Discovery: Augmented Reality for Learning Solar Systems

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    The development of Augmented Reality (AR) systems in educational settings should be given more attention and recognition on its contribution to the evolution of education. Although this shift of pedagogical method may disrupt the traditional curriculum model, it also offers great opportunity to complement and improve the modern age education model. This paper presents an AR-based mobile application for exploring Space and Science for primary school students called the First Discovery (FD). This application supplements a traditional book that contains 10 target images for solar system and its planets, which can be scanned by the AR camera in FD application. Evaluation was carried out among primary school children, elementary educators as well as parents, which showed a highly favorable response. It is hoped that the proposed FD application is able to improve the ability of children in retaining knowledge after the AR science learning experience, to enhance information accessibility of the science learning content for children as well as to develop creative learning and the ability of children in exploring and problem solving


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    Pengelolaan kegiatan himpunan yang dulunya masih menggunakan cara manual, yaitu melakukan pengajuan kegiatannya dengan menyerahkan berkas proposal pengajuan untuk meminta persetujuan. Kemudian harus mendapatkan persetujuan dari beberapa pihak terkait yang juga memakan waktu lumayan lama yang menjadikan hal tersebut tidak efektif. Hal yang tidak efisien saat proses pengajuan tersebut adalah pada saat himpunan harus melakukan print ulang saat himpunan menerima pemberitahuan bahwa ada yang harus direvisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi web untuk pengelolaan kegiatan himpunan difokuskan pada sisi himpunan khusus untuk pengajuan proposal kegiatan sampai laporan pertanggung jawaban (LPJ) kegiatan menjadi terpusat yang berada di Google Drive. Untuk pengembangan aplikasi  FAIRSHIP digunakan metodologi Iterative and Incremental yang dibuat ada 3 increment dengan melibatkan analisis, perancangan, coding, integrasi, pengujian, dan meninjau kekurangan secara bertahap. Aplikasi web itu sendiri dibangun dengan menggunakan konsep Model View Controller (MVC) yang memanfaatkan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan CodeIgniter framework dan database MySQL. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini, himpunan tidak hanya dengan mudah untuk melakukan proses pengajuan proposal sampai kegiatan yang diajukan berhasil diselenggarakan. Pengujian yang dilakukan dengan 2 cara, yaitu dengan metode Black Box pada sudut pandang teknikal dan User Acceptance Test (UAT) pada sudut pandang strategis. Hasil pada pengujian Black Box menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan aplikasi dapat bekerja sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari user. Sementara itu, hasil skor UAT menunjukkan angka 85,23% yang berarti aplikasi dapat diterima dengan sangat baik oleh user. Secara keseluruhan, hasil yang dihasilkan dari kedua pengujian tesrsebut sudah cukup positif yang berarti bahwa fitur dalam aplikasi FAIRSHIP yang dikembangkan dapat diterapkan.    &nbsp


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    Dengan maraknya dunia digital dan internet kebanyakan dari kita mencari barang atau jasa di internet, walaupun sebenarnya hal yang kita cari tersebut ada disekitar kita. Kami telah melakukan survey kepada 395 koresponden, 71% orang pernah mengalami kesulitan mencari barang atau jasa yang dibutuhkan. Disisi lain 62% penjual mengaku pernah kesulitan mempromosikan produk atau jasa mereka. Dari questioner tersebut juga didapatkan beberapa masalah yang dialami penjual dan pembeli. Marketspot merupakan sebuah solusi Geo Social Commerce yang eklusif di mobile phone untuk membantu penjual bertemu dengan customer disekelilingnya dengan menampilkan customer yang membutuhkan di sebuah peta, dapat langsung berinteraksi dan begitu sebaliknya. Dalam solusi ini kami menggabungkan unsur social dan e-commerce yang berbasis GIS. Produk dalam penelitian ini adalah API dan versi website. API dan web dibuat berbasis PHP dengan framework Laravel 5. REST API yang dibuat disini menghasilkan data dalam bentuk JSON. Dalam proses pengembangannya API ini dikerjakan dengan metode iterative dan incremental